GTX 960 vs R9 380


Aug 4, 2015
So i can't choose between GTX 960 2GB and R9 380 2GB. Which one is better? I can afford only for 2GB versions. I DONT PLAY IN FULLHD. My resolution is 1600x900.

I have i5-4460 and Corsair VS 450W
The R9 380 is going to be 5-10% faster than the 960 stock vs. stock. The 960 does tend to overclock a bit better than the 380 so if you're planning to overclock it's pretty much a wash.

There's a review of a 2GB R9 380 model, including benchmarks at 1600x1200, here:,1.html

In summary: if you don't want to bother with OCing your card, go with the 380. If you do plan to OC, then either card will do fine performance-wise, and you should make your decision based on things like driver support and any vendor-specific features that matter to you.
The 280X is about 15-20% more powerful than either the 380 or 960. If you can get that card for roughly the same price as the others, then it is by far the better deal. It will also be a good card if you ever decide to upgrade to 1080p. The only caveat here is that with the 280X you will not have much headroom to OC it with your power supply (but even with just the factory OC the 280X is still faster than manually OC'd 380s and 960s).