GTX 960 wont work with HP Pavilion p7-1534


Jul 25, 2016
Ok so recently i ordered a GTX 960 4GB from Zotac and I also upgraded my power supply to a 500w so everything should work...

I installed everything and booted it up with the display ports in the GPU.... nothing

I then took out the GPU and launched the computer with the display ports in the motherboard and it displayed

I went into my BIOS and checked for a option to switch to dedicated graphics and i found nothing. I searched a bit and found to turn on Legacy Support and turn off Secure Boot which i did. I then proceeded to shut down my PC and install my GPU, i got nothing out of the display of the GPU but i got a display out of the motherboard.

the GPU isn't even recognized in the device manager and not even by Nvidia drivers...
Though when i take the GPU out i get no display out of the motherboard....
Before i turned on the Legacy Support and turned off Secure Boot i did disable my integrated graphics which did nothing so i enabled it

That's the specs of the PC and if you could please help me that would be great... Thx

Also i run a dual monitor setup and what ever i did it completely made my DVI cord for my second monitor not display at all even though it use to.... i don't know if that GPU did that or not but im very frustrated that this messed up my whole PC ..... again Thanks for helping

HP are notorious for making their motherboards only work with the hardware they're shipped with. BUT the HP site very clearly states that this motherboard will work with a PCIe x16 GPU so it should definitely be possible with this PC.

PCIe 2.0 is not a problem, all GPU's are backwards compatible.

On this thread others seemed to make it work by switching to legacy support FIRST and then installing the GPU.

According to HP you also need to disable secure boot

Finally, you can try downloading and installing the latest BIOS for your motherboard from HP here...
Hello... 1) Your MB has PCIe2.0 and the GTX 960 has PCIe3.0 communication standards.
2) Your HP MB BIO's will be very limited and featureless... Typically just designed to work with the Current hardware on the market at the time of release.

This might be a case where you have out grown the MB... I'm not an AMD expert... but FM2 socket MB's are common, maybe just the right PCIe MB would be possible with your current CPU/hardware? B /
HP are notorious for making their motherboards only work with the hardware they're shipped with. BUT the HP site very clearly states that this motherboard will work with a PCIe x16 GPU so it should definitely be possible with this PC.

PCIe 2.0 is not a problem, all GPU's are backwards compatible.

On this thread others seemed to make it work by switching to legacy support FIRST and then installing the GPU.

According to HP you also need to disable secure boot

Finally, you can try downloading and installing the latest BIOS for your motherboard from HP here

Yeah ive done all off this, I sent the GPU back because its probably a dud.... Thanks for the help though!