GTX 970 Dual Monitor Crash


May 19, 2017
Hi, I'm using an MSI GTX 970 on my pc with one 27" TV connected to HDMI and one 18.5" Monitor connected to VGA->DVI port.

The problem is, my both screens goes dark during mid-game and doesn't come back until I push restart button. No "no signal" sign on both screens, no sound but PC is running.

I've used both screens before for a long time with no problems but when I tried to use them together it crashed 3 times in 2 hours.

I've tried to reinstall my drivers while both screens plugged but it's still same.

I haven't check the temps but my PC is close to the heater.

My case has a pretty great air flow with 4 extra fans including double Akasa Viper 120mm.

I'll check the tempratures when I get to home.
So here's what happened when I tried make a temp test.

I got home and installed FurMark & Prime95

I ran FurMark on 4k for the highest gpu usage and also ran prime95 so I can see the highest temperature inside the case.

On the fifth minute temperatures were about 74-75 Celsius and my pc crashed as it happened before. But when I check the case, all the fans were running on high speed (including gpu) like the tests were still running on but my screen was completely dark.

Then I restarted my pc so I can post these results but the moment I opened my browser my pc crashed again. I tried both screens one by one but the result is still the same.

But I saw a notification on windows 10 saying "display driver failed to start"

Right now it crashes almost every minute when I turn it on