GTX 970 FTW ACX 2.0 Fan is Absurdly Loud??


Feb 20, 2013
I run two GTX 970 FTW ACX 2.0 in SLI in my computer. I started playing a new game (Black Desert Online) and after looking to monitor my GPU usage to see why my frames were so low, I realized that my temp of my first card was reaching about 75 C with ~90% GPU usage.

Seeing if this was bad, I looked around online and noticed people saying they had their fan profile set to have the fans sometimes get to 70% when reaching a temp the same as mine. My cards run with about 40% fan speed.

In my quest to lower my temps, I turned my fan speed up a bit to 50%. Holy F these fans are loud. It's so distracting to me that I don't understand how anybody runs with their fans at above 45%, let alone 70%!

When I put mine at 70% this thing is instantly the loudest thing in my room. I can hear it over the TV and PC very clearly.

Something tells me this shouldn't be happening. Anyone have any ideas? I've already checked to make sure all the fans are spinning and they all are. Can record the sound and upload it if necessary.
Unfortunately it should be. Watch some youtube reviews. ACX 2.0 is louder than my diesel engine. One of the loudest gtx 970s out there. One guy went even as far as to call it louder at 40% than his gtx 780 at a 100%. And you are running two of them so it should be even louder. However you can try running one card at a time and see which one is louder. If both have the same noise levels, then it's normal, however if one is louder, then there is some problem.
Unfortunately it should be. Watch some youtube reviews. ACX 2.0 is louder than my diesel engine. One of the loudest gtx 970s out there. One guy went even as far as to call it louder at 40% than his gtx 780 at a 100%. And you are running two of them so it should be even louder. However you can try running one card at a time and see which one is louder. If both have the same noise levels, then it's normal, however if one is louder, then there is some problem.
With Turbo Boost, your GTX 970 has a target temperature of 80c. This is its normal operating temperature by design. Check in PrecisionX for the Temp Limit to confirm.

The card will adjust clock speeds, voltages, and fan speeds to attain this temperature and stay there while gaming. Trying to force a lower temperature fights against the card's design, and will result in louder fan speeds.

As you can see, mid-70c's is normal for your card, and much cooler than it's target temperature. Now put your fans back on Auto and let them run the way they were designed.

"I find the EVGA's GTX 970 SC ACX quite noisy in both idle and load; other board partners are delivering much better noise output results by offering a semi-passive cooling solution that turns the fans off in idle and during light gaming, while operating them very quietly otherwise.

With temperatures as low as 73°C under load, there is no reason for EVGA not to allow slightly higher temperatures in return for less fan noise."

That's what I though man... "it shouldn't be happening" but the card is just complete garbage apparently this problem wasn't just me... so sad.. I was gonna get a FTW+ but I though it would of been the same thing... little did I know.

My card reached 80c while under-load easily, and EVGA claims this is fine, while everyone else told me that was straight up bullshit.

I had the same problem with my GTX 970 FTW ACX 2.0 I guess is how they should be... I RMA'd two times due to coil whine, but next time it comes I am just gonna sell it on ebay.