GTX 970 + i7-930


Jun 20, 2014
Hey guys I'm upgrading my rig and recently purchased a GTX 970 Superclocked. I have an old i7-930 Bloomfield 2.8GHz in my computer. If I overclock the i7930 will I be safe from any bottlenecks? I also bought a liquid cooling system and I've heard that the i7930 can possibly reach up to 4.0. Or should I just invest in a new chip? (I don't really want to because of the money though.) Thanks!
There will always be bottlenecks no matter what you have. A GTX 970 will be fine though, you will get 100% performance out of it, you will end up limited in CPU intensive games though as you are now. But IMO the 930 overclocked to like 4-4.2ghz is still a beast.

I had a nice 930 that overclocked to 4.4ghz, its on my shelf now 😉 Sometimes i regret getting my i5 to replace it as I did have hyperthreading before.
There will always be bottlenecks no matter what you have. A GTX 970 will be fine though, you will get 100% performance out of it, you will end up limited in CPU intensive games though as you are now. But IMO the 930 overclocked to like 4-4.2ghz is still a beast.

I had a nice 930 that overclocked to 4.4ghz, its on my shelf now 😉 Sometimes i regret getting my i5 to replace it as I did have hyperthreading before.
Play a game first before you decide anything. If its slow, Bump up to 3.2 GHZ if you can since its the standard (3.2-3.5). It all depends on the game you want to play. Its fast enough to achieve 60FPS good enough?

At least you can keep the video card into a new build... Besides boxing week is coming. Piece a new one together later.
I have an older rig running an i7 930 with a new GTX 970 and it runs great. No bottleneck. The 930 is still a great processor and it is an easy overclocker. You should easily be able to bump it up to the 3.5ghz range without any voltage increases. Just be sure to drop the multiplier ppb your ram first. I have had my running at 4ghz for four years and it's on air.