Gtx 970 - less than 40 fps in Gta 5 - Low GPU Usage


Oct 27, 2014
I buy and download gta 5 on steam, then I open it and I play the North Yankton and Franklin intro, and a little bit of Gta online. I get 20-45 and rarely 50 fps in the game. I check the MSI afterburner, and the game is using only 30-45% of my video card. I dont know why the game isn't using not even a half of my gtx 970. I run games like Battlefield 4, Skyrim, FarCry 4, Dying Ling perfectly. My nvidia driver is the 350.12.

Pc Specs:
CPU- i7 2600
Ram- 16 gb ram
GPU- GTX 970 G1 gaming

Any ideia? And sorry for my bad english. I'm not a native speaker.
Very strange, Im running a 770 4gb and im getting a average 78fps @ 1080p, never drops below 60fps and most of my setting are on Very High. Try disabling AA/V Sync and maybe few other setting to find a balance. I think im only using about 2300mb of the 4gb Ram. Hope u get it sorted m8.
I put settings on high, and now im getting 60% usage and more than 80 fps. I think it was a GPU memory problem. I own the g1 gaming, so I never see the temperature higher than 75 °C.
This program fixed my issue completely, I know this is many months later, but if anyone is looking up this issue and has not found a fix, give this a shot.

Basically what it does is completely uninstalls your drivers and all registry files in windows. Then you just reinstall the latest Nvidia driver like you just reinstalled a fresh copy of windows. I just did this earlier today and was able to fix my problem of low FPS . Before the ill gotten gains update my FPS was 60-70 with geforce experience settings and then after the update until now my FPS has been 30-40 no matter what settings I changed. After using the program and reinstalling the latest Nividia driver my FPS is back up to 60-70 with geforce experience recommended settings. I think this could probably help you. Even if it does not a fresh install of drivers never hurts. Good luck and hopefully it works.

(just to mention I have tried many different things to fix the issue, including reverting to the GTA 5 game ready driver, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, having the game on a HDD and SSD. Nothing fixed the issue until completely uninstalling the drivers and associated registry files with DDU and reinstalling the latest driver)