GTX 970 Metro Last Light FPS


Feb 22, 2014
hey guys
im playing metro last light at 1080p
and not getting great fps
at ultra im getting about 58 avg fps
after turning off aa its come up to 74
but there are times where my fps falls very much
it comes down to the 20s in during intense battles when there is blood and gunfire all over
i know Metro Last light is one of the graphically demanding games
but is this normal or is it just me?
Is this the normal or Redux version?
That's a very new system, but, check it is fully updated, my own Z97 Gaming 3 shipped with a BIOS version of 2.0 (latest update is 2.4-installed) and the main motherboard drivers were also a little outdated so an update there may help.
Obviously, check you have the latest 344.48 WHQL drivers installed.
Run an anti virus and malware scan.
Install HWInfo to check the temperatures.
There's very little visual difference between 'high' and 'very high' in all the Metro games, try dropping the settings one notch.
Still new to Nvidia hardware (been an AMD fanboi for years ;) ) but try turning PhysX off, the physics calculations aren't a problem, but the extra particle/effects rendering load can be a problem.
If you are using SSAA, drop back to the AAA setting, SSAA is a well known way to decimate the framerate in these games.


Feb 22, 2014
it is the normal version
could you please tell me how to update the bios and the mobo drivers?
yes i do have the latest nvidia drivers for my GPU...
do you think my HDD is a problem?
its just a 5400 rpm HDD
so could it be an ingame loading lag?