GTX 970 or 390X - for 5760x1080 gaming and video editing


Mar 17, 2011
I'm replacing my Radeon HD 6950 2g.

Currently I'm looking at buying a GTX 970 or a Radeaon 390x. This is for personal gaming computer/video editing on the side. I'm a video editor and have a dedicated workstation at the office but I'm looking to edit at home occasionally. Mostly this will be gaming using 1 or all 3 monitors 1920x1080 or 5760x1080.

The reason I bring up video editing is because Adobe Premiere uses Nvidia CUDA to accelerate certain effects and scaling. Unfortunately AMD is not supported and doesn't get the benefit, which is fairly substantial from what I've seen.

Now, The 390x seems to be more future proof with 8GB of ram, so I'm leaning toward that from the gaming side of things. Now its a bit more expensive so that is another factor.

Something to consider is that I want to buy The Division which comes with a GTX970 right now.... ugg

PROS- More VRAM for 5760x1080
CON- Price & slower video editing

GTX 970
PROS- Price/Video editing benefits, also comes with The Division
CON- Less Ram, Older Card.

Thoughts or suggestions on which is the better choice. Thanks for listening.

Any reason behind your thoughts? just curious.

I hear ya, it looks fun and I like the concept, a lot of the negative things don't seem that bad to me. I've been watching streams of the game and it looks fun. I'm like 80% sure I'm getting it anyway... so thats saving $50.
390x will outperform the 970. End of. However, at that resolution, go with a 980ti of fury x. Much better performance/dollar and you are driving the equivalent of 4k in terms of pixel count (roughly) and the 390x and especially 970 cant manage that. The 980 is also a waste in terms.of perf/dollar

Thanks for the input. I wish I could afford a 980ti. May I'll have to save up or wait for a price drop. Again thanks for the suggestions.

are you refering to a 390, or 390x
You both have valid points. I didn't consider the regular 390. I'll have to look into that. I guess I haven't decided what is more important 5760x1080 gaming or 1920 and video editing, I'll have to think on that for a while longer. I bought my last card in 2010 so I don't usually upgrade very often.