Gtx 970 or Gtx 980 for 1080p


Feb 22, 2015
Hi guys i was wondering which would be better for 1080p gaming. The GTX 970 or 980. Also if i should SLI the 970s. Which brand would be the best to get for the GPUs too?
The 970 for sure. Unless you have a 250Hz monitor the 970 will max out your monitor's frame rates on ultra settings. You won't even need SLI for 1080p. Just one is necessary.

Asus and MSI I recommend for brands.
1) There's about a 15% difference on AVERAGE. It varies between games but I think the max is about 19% at really high resolutions.

2) 250Hz monitor?
I wish people wouldn't simply pull numbers out of their butts. There are modern games that can't maintain 60FPS at 1080p on Ultra settings.

That doesn't mean I think more than a GTX970 is necessarily needed but let's not pretend a single GTX970 is going to max every game.

Crysis 3:

(dropping a few settings to maintain 60FPS would be ideal assuming a 60Hz monitor. If 144Hz I'd recommend using "Adaptive Half VSYNC and synch to 72Hz/72FPS)

I can come up with a couple more and of course Witcher 3 and other new games will be demanding.

3) Recommended card:
EVGA GTX970 SC ACX2.0 1.17GHz (see pcpartpicker)