GTX 970 or R9 390 or pascal or any other for new pc plus suggestions for build components?


Jan 20, 2016
Hello,I want to build a custom pc for most work of 3d and compositing but also don't want any lag while playing heavy games sometimes.And I would be using 1080p screen.So I zeroed down to gtx 970(as quadro series wouldn't do good with games) but then on some forum I read people mentioning r9 390 is worth buying than 970.

Now again there are rumors about pascal ,so now I am confused so so much and I don't want to regret buying between one of these two or any other card and after a month pascal series gets announced with good performance around same cost.

Overall I could wait till feb 2016 for pascal and max budget is 900$ (or 60000 INR) for whole pc excluding monitor.
There is no need of dvd drive or ssd !
So,please suggest the best build within this price.
(Be it intel or amd,but best.)
Edit: Mostly for nuke and maya plus some extra rendering plugins maybe even unreal engine in future !

Thank you.
For Nuke, nVidia is for now superior due to CUDA. Maya supports both CUDA and OpenCL, and is shifting more towards OpenCL, just like all Adobe products. For Unreal Engine, nVidia worked more closely so it's likely that nVidia is more optimized.

That should allow you to make your best choice... Also note that AMD has announced the Boltzmann initiative, which basically 'emulates' CUDA with no performance loss. That would make AMD superior in pretty much all cases. But it's unknown when it's going to be available.

Nuke and maya and even unreal engine!
Go for the 390, u'll get the same fps in games and i can tell you first hand games hit well over 3,5gb vram even on 1080p (gta v 4gb+, mordor 6gb+) so why not get the bigger card for the same/lower price. If polaris/pascal turn out to be hugely better you can always sell the 390 and buy that, waiting for "the next better thing" never really pays out in tech because there's always something better comming in X time =)
For Nuke, nVidia is for now superior due to CUDA. Maya supports both CUDA and OpenCL, and is shifting more towards OpenCL, just like all Adobe products. For Unreal Engine, nVidia worked more closely so it's likely that nVidia is more optimized.

That should allow you to make your best choice... Also note that AMD has announced the Boltzmann initiative, which basically 'emulates' CUDA with no performance loss. That would make AMD superior in pretty much all cases. But it's unknown when it's going to be available.