GTX 970 SLI In-game Screen fliskering


Apr 23, 2015
I just setup these two cards in SLI (msi gtx 970).
web browsing etc. the picture looks good no errors. In game is another story. In BF4 and CS:GO I get some bad screen flickering along with some color distortion.
Nvidia Control Panel list the SLI option is enabled. im also using the sli bridge that came with my mobo.
Here are my PC Specs:
2x MSI GTX 970
Asus Z97 Saberthooth Mark 1

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your input,
i have found the answer by messing around with another setting. The PhysX preoccesor was set to automatic so i decided to assigned it to the second GPU and the flickering went away. Thank you for you input once again. Greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: looks like the issue never went away, i still get the color flickering in full screen mode while playing games, if i play in windowed mode the color distortion and flickering occurs. can it be my PSU. is 750w enough for 970 sli?