GTX 970 Strix by ASUS fan and GPU usage spiking in games


Jul 23, 2015
I was just opening up a game (World of Wacraft on ultra settings), and there had not gone 1 second before my fan started running wild and being very noisy. I searched on the forums and found not very much similar. I know that the fan is supposed to start when the card is under load, but it literally spiked to 100 % as soon as I started. You can see it from this image right here:

So I thought it was because of the settings, but when I turned everything to lowest possible setting, this spike occurred:

As you can see it nearly identical, with the exception that I forgot to show the peak values for the first image. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what could be causing this.

Full specs of the system is as follows (all components with standard clock speeds and no aftermarket coolers):
Intel i7 4770k
Asus GTX 970 Strix (driver version 353.30)
MSI Z87-G45
XFX ProSeries XXX Edition 650W PSU
2 modules of Corsair Vengeance 4GB 2133MHz RAM (came in a kit)
Case model is Corsair Obsidian 450D

Any and all help is appreciated, please ask if you need further information/testing on the system.

EDIT 1: Seems like World of Warcraft is the ONLY game that does this, every other game I've tested like Dota 2 on super sampling, Rome 2: Total War on highest settings possible have not had a problem (weird Rome 2 had a 99 % spike on the menu screen, but whatever), it seems that the problem lies with World of Warcraft. Will provide further updates when I figure out more.

EDIT 2: Fiddling with the settings for roughly 40 minutes now, caused me to stumble upon the setting "max foreground FPS", which was apparently capped at 300 at my 60 Hz monitor. Capping the framerate at 70 SEVERELY reduced the GPU usage and fixed my problem.