well I am going to sell my junky laptop... with that money I can return my gtx 960(I bought a warranty) and have enouf for a gtx 970... so my question is will an fx-6300 oc'd to 3.8 ghz(I know its a small oc!) be able to drive a gtx 970 in MOST games without a huge bottleneck? I don't care if it is a perfect match I just care if its a huge bottleneck or not? so will my fx-6300 at 3.8 ghz drive a gtx 970? Also I have a mini atx mobo, will that be fine with the gtx 970 full size version? if not I will get the mini one... Also will this case fit it? (this is the case I have)- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811353058&cm_re=ranger-_-11-353-058-_-Product