GTX 980 lag


Jul 18, 2014
A few days ago, I bought a GTX 980 to replace my CrossFire 6970s. However, after I installed the GTX 980, all games were very laggy (spikes as low as 20 fps in very undemanding games such as osu!) and overall ran pretty poorly (went from ~250 fps in l4d2 to ~80-110; from ~500+ in osu! to ~300 with massive lagspikes which lag the shit out of everything as well as occasional 20 fps at seemingly random; from ~45 fps to ~10 or even single digit fps in H1Z1). At this same time, I bought a second stick of 4GB ram for my PC which, for some reason, bricked my PC when I tried to add it. I put my CrossFire 6970s back in, and even those lagged just as bad as my new GTX 980 when I put them back in.

Ultimately, I decided to go all the way and upgraded my i7 2600k to a i7 5930k, and my P8P67 WS Revolution to an X99-A, as well as adding 16 GB of DDR4 RAM. Good thing is that I can install all 16 GB of RAM on this new motherboard; however, games still have a big lagging issue, and even just typing this I can feel it: Games are running at decent framerate (~200+ in L4D2), however they dip every few seconds (in L4D2, for example, I can spike from ~200+ to ~100 or so, and these lag spikes are audible as well, in that they cause audio distortions). I hate reinstalling Windows, but it seems like it's the next step. Would you recommend it or think that could be my issue?

In each case of swapping GPUs I used a driver sweeper program to remove the old drivers and installed the new ones.
download DDU driver uninstaller.
delete the old nvidia and AMD drivers with it after your done download them again, the problem is due to old drivers being still present after uninstalling them normally which leaves a couple of errors behind