GTX 980 or more?


Aug 26, 2012
Is there any sense in going with more than a GTX 980 for gaming when I am only using a 1080p/60 Hz display? My processor is a i5-4690K.
I was debating about spending the xtra money for the GTX 980 Ti. But it seems like it would be a waste, Your thoughts...

How can Nvidia 4X DSR give me 3840 pixels × 2160 pixels resolution on a display that only has 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels?
It can't divide pixels.

Its supersampling, It will run the game in the gpu at UHD and pass it though filter to run it in your 1080p display.
Thanks for the information. I didn't know that existed. But trying the demo with the slider, I can't tell hardly any difference. Can you?
Seems like I'd be reducing my framerates for little change.

It should only be used as a last resort. Crank up all the setting in the game first and if your still getting much more than 60 hertz then DSR comes in handy.