GTX 980 overkill on 1080p display?


Mar 24, 2015
My concern is the GTX980 may be overkill?

i7 4790k, Asus Sabertooth Z97 Mobo, Samsung 850 Evo 500GB SSD, 8 GB RAM, EVGA GTX980, Samsung C350 1080p Monitor.

Do you guys think any bottlenecking will occur? Also I've read the GTX 980 can cause screen tearing on 1080p displays. Is this something I should be concerned about? This is my first build, any advice is helpful, thanks!

Also, I'm not so much concerned about value, as I am performance.
It depends on the games you play. At 1080p, there are a few games what will indeed require all its power to over near 60 FPS. It isn't necessary, but want max settings on most the new demanding games, a 980 works.
you won't be locked on 144fps @ 1080p @ultra with all SSAA on, so i wouldn't regard the 980 as overkill if you have a high refresh rate monitor that will look great at 144fps.

that said, the 970 gives a lot of "bang for buck" and if you are only looking for 60fps @ ultra with some degree of FSAA then you'll be fine.
Whoa.. If u hv that much money then go for 4k monitor. That 980 is way too much for a 1080p.. Even a 960 is enough to play any game at max settings at 1080p.
Yea.. On 1080p with 980 wil cause screen tearing. No need for 980 on a fhd display. 960 is enough. 970 wil make ur build futureproof for gaming.
Either get a 4k display or downgrade to 970.
If u r going to do more than gaming i.e. video editing, 3d modeling u can go with an 6 core intel core i7-5820k cpu by adding 100-150 dollars and downgrading to 970 or 960.
Choice is urs according to ur need.
Gud luck...
Dnt 4get 2 select d bst answer...
well, I would like to upgrade to a 4k display sometime down the line, once they've been out longer. Also, I'll mainly be gaming and digital painting. However, I'll mostly be playing MMORPG's, if that makes a difference. I would love to have completely smooth sailing in ArchAge on ultra, no lag and amazing graphics.

When I do buy a 4k down the line, I'd like to do so without having to upgrade my GPU, or anything else for that matter. But my biggest concern is screen tearing on my current monitor, is that really something that should keep me from purchasing the GTX 980?
A single 980 will definitely struggle playing games at max settings at 4K, even if it can handle some well optimised games now. This test shows the GTX 980 just about managing BF4 at 60FPS, we can only hope what it will achieve when games become more demanding:

The addition of a second GTX 980 makes it a much better card at 4K, so that could be of consideration in the future.

At ultra settings yeah. But with such pixel density you can sacrifice high AA settings and others without a noticeable dip in quality. I've run BF4 on my 4K TV with my 980 and it does okay surprisingly. (Gets a little warm for my tastes though, but that is a future solution with Mr. Waterblock)

That's definitely good to know, thank you. As of my current build, with a 1080p display 60hz, should I just go 970 for now? I won't be getting a 4k for quite some time.

It seems everyone has mixed opinions on this matter, in all of the threads I've found concerning the same topic. Some say 980 will be great, other's say it's completely unnecessary. Hmmm...
Most of my kit is completely unnecessary. I don't really need an i7, 16GB of ram, dual SSDs, or my GTX980 (I got that more for the power savings) I could conceivably get away with an i5 non-overclocked, 8GB of ram. standard HDD, and a GTX760.

I too have a 27" 1920x1080 60Hz monitor as my gaming monitor. The Maxwell chips get you a few things. HDMI 2.0, neat 4K at 60Hz over HDMI, so it works with my TV (Though I had the GPU first), Direct X 12, G-Sync capability (And latest display port revision). And they are still optimizing the drivers, so free performance gains over the next year or so. Whereas my old GTX580s hadn't received any attention in a long time (Made a nice space heater though)

Future planning really. A few upcoming titles I am interested in. Unreal Tournament(Unreal 4), Star Citizen (Crysis 3), and a few others that will need some decent horsepower to run well.

I don't think you will disappointed with a GTX970, and you can always get a second one, which gets you more performance then a single GTX980 for not much of a cost increase.

To me personally there are no good 4K monitors to get right now, possible exception with the Acer G-Sync monitor, but they are still a little expensive. And the ones that are more affordable are quite lacking in features or size. Be another year or two before they make much sense, and by then there should be a few GPUs to match better with them.

2560x1440 @ 144hz With G-Sync is what I am holding out for. Now that there are some freesync monitors out there I hope to see some competition bring the ROG Swift or equivalent down in price.

Hope all that gibberish doesn't just add to the confusion.


That's all I need to hear :)
I plan on playing a lot of MMORPG's, ArchAge, Black Desert Online, Tera... also a few others like Witcher 3.

Thanks guys for the feedback, I think I'll stick with the 980.

Yeah, this is pretty much how I feel. Thanks for the advice! :)


I have a gtx 980 and witcher 3 struggles to stay constant 60fps with hairworks and ultra shadows and foilage also project cars needs aa turning down a bit don't even get me started on GTA 5 or arma 3