Lets start with my specs:
cpu: I7 4790k, no oc
gpu: Msi GTX 980 ti
ram: 8gb ddr3 1333mhz (was sure it was faster but guess not)
mobo: Maximus hero vii
psu: Corsair AX 760
Okay so i just got my brand new Msi gtx 980 ti gpu and started running some games to see how it works. Currently i got 1080p 60hz monitor (hoping to get 1440p 144hz in near future), but i disabled vsync and fps limits to get to max.
So in cs go i get about 200 - 300 fps and 40% gpu load (60% when bomb went off). Even tried going 720p reso and fps stayed the same (i got max fps set to 999 in console yes). Now if you look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL10LA9MMac you can see that he has same setup as me, but gpu running at constant 70-90% load and has 400 - 600fps.
In world of warcraft i also get steady 40% gpu load, sometimes jumping to 60% max, but fps in main city, crowded area is about 40-50 and when im alone it gets to about 120. I find it wierd considering im running 1080p resolution. If i remember correctly i tried with different sampling options and they didnt affect fps at all.
Then i tried witcher 2 and shadow of mordor as my demanding single player games.
In witcher 2 i got 90-99% gpu load finally. Got about 70 fps on ultra with ubersampling on, this seemed more normal compared to other benchmarks, then took ubersampling off and got to about 120 - 200fps.
In shadow of mordor i got 80 - 95% gpu load and put all settings to ultra and got steady 100fps (seems like its limited to 100 since it never went over or under, just stood there).
All fps was tested with something going on in screen (alot of ppl or fighting), temps stay cool enough i assume (witcher 99% load gpu got to about 70c if i recall right) and cpu maxes load on 60-70% with about 65c temps.
So im asking if anyone has any idea that if theres some setting limiting my gpu usage in less demanding games such as cs go or wow (wow fps is quite worrying me, even tho i dont really play it atm). Since the single player games seemed to work well for me, right? I took newest drivers from nvidias site and used display driver uninstaller to remove old ones before setting up new card.
Sorry for wall of text and thanks for everyone in advance!
cpu: I7 4790k, no oc
gpu: Msi GTX 980 ti
ram: 8gb ddr3 1333mhz (was sure it was faster but guess not)
mobo: Maximus hero vii
psu: Corsair AX 760
Okay so i just got my brand new Msi gtx 980 ti gpu and started running some games to see how it works. Currently i got 1080p 60hz monitor (hoping to get 1440p 144hz in near future), but i disabled vsync and fps limits to get to max.
So in cs go i get about 200 - 300 fps and 40% gpu load (60% when bomb went off). Even tried going 720p reso and fps stayed the same (i got max fps set to 999 in console yes). Now if you look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL10LA9MMac you can see that he has same setup as me, but gpu running at constant 70-90% load and has 400 - 600fps.
In world of warcraft i also get steady 40% gpu load, sometimes jumping to 60% max, but fps in main city, crowded area is about 40-50 and when im alone it gets to about 120. I find it wierd considering im running 1080p resolution. If i remember correctly i tried with different sampling options and they didnt affect fps at all.
Then i tried witcher 2 and shadow of mordor as my demanding single player games.
In witcher 2 i got 90-99% gpu load finally. Got about 70 fps on ultra with ubersampling on, this seemed more normal compared to other benchmarks, then took ubersampling off and got to about 120 - 200fps.
In shadow of mordor i got 80 - 95% gpu load and put all settings to ultra and got steady 100fps (seems like its limited to 100 since it never went over or under, just stood there).
All fps was tested with something going on in screen (alot of ppl or fighting), temps stay cool enough i assume (witcher 99% load gpu got to about 70c if i recall right) and cpu maxes load on 60-70% with about 65c temps.
So im asking if anyone has any idea that if theres some setting limiting my gpu usage in less demanding games such as cs go or wow (wow fps is quite worrying me, even tho i dont really play it atm). Since the single player games seemed to work well for me, right? I took newest drivers from nvidias site and used display driver uninstaller to remove old ones before setting up new card.
Sorry for wall of text and thanks for everyone in advance!