GTX 980 ti vs GTX 1080 ?

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Oct 20, 2015
Basically, I'm not sure if I should get a GTX 980 ti or wait 2 weeks for the GTX 1080.
Which will get more fps in gaming on ultra ? (Mainly GTA V, Fallout 4. Mainly big open world games)
Nvidia wouldn't put out info that suggests the 1080 is slower than the 980ti, but we don't know any absolute info on this comparison. The 980/780ti comparison was very close. Don't be surprised if the 1080 is only marginally faster than the 980ti. The die shrink could have been used for massive performance gains, but I don't think it will be. The difference will be greater than the difference between the 980/780ti, but not order of magnitude.
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