Now i wanted a gaming laptop for gaming and work
I dont like 17 inch ones but these new laptops can have desktop 980 in them so no option there
I want a 15 inch but they only have 980m
If you had a choice what would you go for if you wanted to play games maxed out?
Can laptop 980m have equal fps as gtx 980
This laptop is a desktop replacemenr therefore both have desktop i7 6700k
I dont like 17 inch ones but these new laptops can have desktop 980 in them so no option there
I want a 15 inch but they only have 980m
If you had a choice what would you go for if you wanted to play games maxed out?
Can laptop 980m have equal fps as gtx 980
This laptop is a desktop replacemenr therefore both have desktop i7 6700k