Gtx 980ti + i5 3330


Jan 11, 2014
hey, im looking to upgrade my gtx 480 oc (LOL) since i have finally been able to buy a heater and dont need it anymore xd

anyway, im looking at getting a 980ti.

would i get a bottleneck with it? im looking at 1440p at 60hz but might get 4k monitor in future.

so would i get a bottneck? i also have 8gb of 1600mhz ram in my system and a 1tb 850 evo.

thanks, what fps would i be bale to get maxed at 1440p on most games? would i be looking at 60+?
The i5-3330 will probably bottleneck the GTX 980ti on more recent titles. A better pairing for 1080p gaming for that CPU would be either the GTX 970 or AMD R9 390.

For both 1080p and 1440p gaming the R9 390 would be the best card to pair with the i5-3330.

You could certainly still get a GTX 980ti if you wanted to front-load your GPU investment and upgrade the CPU/ motherboard later, but in terms of even performance the GTX 980ti will outstreach the i5-3330.

thanks, but id rather buy the 980ti now and not worry about upgrade for 5 years, thats what i did with my 480, bough on release date and now its lacking max settings 60fps im upgrading
well if you plan on upgrading the processor then I would get the gtx 980ti but you will need a i5-4960k or better if you don't want to have a bottleneck, there are many games you will probably not get 60 fps in because of how developers are getting with there game coding. Many games don't have very good optimization but you should get 60 fps on most games.

but then i need another mobo aswell 🙁
then you will need to go with a i3-3770 a 3770k is perfered if you have a z77 motherboard but it should give enough performance even though even though its four real cores thefour virtual core that give about half the performance.
The CPU won't be a bottleneck on games that don't stress the CPU enough, you can always check the bottleneck by monitoring CPU usage and if the CPU is a bottleneck you can higher the resolution and still achieve the same fps- So the answer is the bottleneck depends on the game.

i have a cheap mobo which cant overclcok not a z77
it cant even turbo