GTX 980Ti - plethora of problems


Aug 25, 2014
So... I'm having some very weird issues. I'm... beyond amazed. So, first of all, after playing in a game for about half an hour, my performance will drop drastically for not only in that game, but also any other, until I restart. It has nothing to do with GPU temperature, as it never goes above 70°C. Another weird issue is that sometimes, I will be unable to change my memory clock in MSI Afterburner for some time, again, until I restart. I tried cleaning my PC's display drivers with DDU, and then reinstalling them completely, but that didn't work. I don't know what else to tell you about my problem, other that I'm running on Windows 10, have an i7 6700k processor, and 16GB of DDR4 RAM.

edit: Also, MSI Afterburner is showing that GPU usage is at max, along with the core and memory clock being at max. And yet, my performance drops to literally a third of what it was.
If the GPU is at max usage its memory clocks are usually locked in order to avoid crashing. Something is using your GPU it may be a program, virus or some driver bug. Monitor your system. Also I hope that you are not downloading your games from various torrent sites. Because if you do, you'll pay the price one way or another.

EDIT. Also you need good antivirus protection and a firewall. Preferably a paid internet suite and not a free one.
You didn't mention anything about your CPU. Have you checked its temps and clocks? Maybe it is overheating and then throttling. A throttled CPU will certainly cause that GPU behaviour.

Also what PSU do you have? In some rare cases a bad or damaged PSU may cause that system behaviour.

Finally you said that your GPU usage is max. Have you also checked it when you are not playing game and you are just sitting at the desktop? If it does again show high GPU usage, you probably have a bitcoin mining virus that is constantly using your GPU. Check your PC with a good antivirus.

EDIT. Have you also installed other driver versions than the one you are currently using? Maybe it's a driver bug.

Hm, the GPU usage is actually constantly at max, I'll scan it now. As for CPU temperature, well, I didn't monitor it, but I just know that the chances of it throttling are minimum, since it never goes to any dangerous temperature at stress tests, and this has never happened before until today. The PSU is AX1200i, so I doubt that it's the culprit.

Although, could a mining virus also explain the weird MSI-A behavior where I can't change the memory clock?

EDIT: And yeah, I just remembered that I disabled my antivirus for some time while troubleshooting a game.

EDIT: Actually, I believe that the memory clock thing happened before I started messing with antivirus protection, so it's probably not the same thing.
If the GPU is at max usage its memory clocks are usually locked in order to avoid crashing. Something is using your GPU it may be a program, virus or some driver bug. Monitor your system. Also I hope that you are not downloading your games from various torrent sites. Because if you do, you'll pay the price one way or another.

EDIT. Also you need good antivirus protection and a firewall. Preferably a paid internet suite and not a free one.
Well, I just did a scan with a licensed Kasperky antivirus (a yearly license came with my motherboard), and with Malwarebytes, both found nothing. So I guess it's a driver issue then? The GPU is still sitting at 98% usage as we speak.

EDIT: It was a miner, I managed to find the culprit manually, it was disguising itself as another program.