So... I'm having some very weird issues. I'm... beyond amazed. So, first of all, after playing in a game for about half an hour, my performance will drop drastically for not only in that game, but also any other, until I restart. It has nothing to do with GPU temperature, as it never goes above 70°C. Another weird issue is that sometimes, I will be unable to change my memory clock in MSI Afterburner for some time, again, until I restart. I tried cleaning my PC's display drivers with DDU, and then reinstalling them completely, but that didn't work. I don't know what else to tell you about my problem, other that I'm running on Windows 10, have an i7 6700k processor, and 16GB of DDR4 RAM.
edit: Also, MSI Afterburner is showing that GPU usage is at max, along with the core and memory clock being at max. And yet, my performance drops to literally a third of what it was.
edit: Also, MSI Afterburner is showing that GPU usage is at max, along with the core and memory clock being at max. And yet, my performance drops to literally a third of what it was.