GTX 980ti SLI not enough

The Berric

May 27, 2016
hi, i just recently built a computer.
GTX 980ti X 2 (sli)
intel i7 5930k (@3.5 six cores + hyper)
16gb ddr4 3200

and for some reason i cant seem to get anything above 60 frames ultra on any game i play.
if im playing arma, ill get like 40 (this is all at 1080p)

i played boardlands 2 today. it would drop to 40 when there were more than a few characters on screen.
i turned off sli and its not making much of a difference.
whats going on? should i expect this?
any tips?
Now I don't know about Borderlands 2, HOWEVER, Arma III is a poorly optimized game. Literally. You could have the best PC in the world and get 30fps. Some parts are somehow favored over others??? My friend has his settings turned up completely on an i5-4690k and an gtx970 yet somehow gets a perfect 60fps. Me on the other hand with an fx8320 and gtx970 can barely get 30fps.

Yea his build is overkill but as I mentioned earler, although I dont know about Borderlands 2, Arma 3 performs poorly on almost all systems, there are certain builds which run it perfectly but for some reason its with CERTAIN components i.e. G3256 OC'd and GTX960 can run it at 50+fps
I don't think it could be the motherboard and @turkey3_scrath I don't think Windows would really be the issue, if he spent all this money on sli gtx980ti im pretty sure he could've bought Windows 8.1 and upgraded to 10 for free or something.
Arma is very single-thread bound, as are many games. An overclocked 4690K could very well have much higher single-threaded performance than your 5930K, resulting in much higher framerates.

Some games also perform worse with SLI enabled. You might try disabling one of your cards and see if performance improves. I generally recommend against people using SLI, because there are problems so frequently. Better to buy a single, faster card (such as a GTX 1080).

Sometimes people take big measures to save $100.

@Ecky: Do you really think people make illegal versions of Windows just to be generous hearty kind people? No. They pack it with Malware and other crapware, possibly even keylogging software because they are out there to get your personal information. Crap like that can bog down the computer.