GTX 980ti stress test


Dec 29, 2014
So i just did a stress test on my brand new g1 gaming gtx 980ti, here is the link: , is this score bad? after the test was over i immediately opened corsair link and checked my temps, my cpu temp was 38 degrees celsius and my GPU temp was 49 degrees celsius
Look on the graph. You are right below the 2x980sli system, why would you think your score is bad?

And even 30 seconds of testing temps after a stress test and there is no more load, then those temps don't mean much. you want to see the highest temp you got during the testing was.

Try running something like openhardwaremonitor, it has a MAX column for all its temps and that shuold show you the MAX temp that was hit during the benchmark.

the max temp was 51 degrees celsius on the gpu i just checked now, and does it matter what refresh rate my monitor has, and if so then does that also affect the benchmark test?