GTX Series 600 vs 700


Jun 11, 2013
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm really ignorant on this subject.

Why are the 600 GPU's better than the newer 700's? Or are they? Shouldn't the newest card be the latest a greatest? Like why does a 670 or 680 show better performance than the 760 or 770? Or over the AMD 7970, 7950, 7990

Because they are not 'new'. GTX 780 uses the GK110 core also found on GTX Titan. GTX 770 and 760 on the other hand use GK104, which is found on all 600 series cards. GTX 770 is essentially a refresh of GTX 680 and GTX 760 a GTX 660 Ti. The only things they've changed, is that they've updated the BIOS, increased memory bandwidth on GTX 760 and memory frequencies on both cards. All 700 series also support a feature called GPU Boost 2.0, which allows for easier overclocking plus they are priced lower than their 600 series equivalents.

GTX 770 and 760 should be equal or slightly faster than their predecessors and GTX 780 should be slightly behind Titan in performance and have 3GB less video memory.

Hope that answers your question.
Newer does not mean better.
Higher class + newer usually means better. (Bulldozer CPU's are the only exception)

A GTX 770 is basicly a higher clocked GTX 680, that's why it performs well.
A GTX 760 on the other hand is a very cut down card. It's still clocked very high so it performs well, but it just cant beat a GTX 670.
For nvidia the seven series is the same as the six, but overvolted to reach higher clock speeds. The 770 is identical to the 680. It just has higher clock speeds. The only new seven cards are the titan and 780. If you see a 680 beating a 770, it just means it has higher clocks.

As for the 760, it shouldn't beat the 680. A 760 is just a 670. Unless it is clocked super high it should be slower then those cards.

what about the 7990 though that should be about equal to the titan
Because they are not 'new'. GTX 780 uses the GK110 core also found on GTX Titan. GTX 770 and 760 on the other hand use GK104, which is found on all 600 series cards. GTX 770 is essentially a refresh of GTX 680 and GTX 760 a GTX 660 Ti. The only things they've changed, is that they've updated the BIOS, increased memory bandwidth on GTX 760 and memory frequencies on both cards. All 700 series also support a feature called GPU Boost 2.0, which allows for easier overclocking plus they are priced lower than their 600 series equivalents.

GTX 770 and 760 should be equal or slightly faster than their predecessors and GTX 780 should be slightly behind Titan in performance and have 3GB less video memory.

Hope that answers your question.