GTX Titan X Temperature and FPS issue


Nov 19, 2017
I've been having this issue for some time, though, I was finally able to get the temperatures to a decent level. Currently, I'm trying to figure out if my FPS and temperatures are where they should be. (Specs will be posted at the bottom.)

As of now, I run my settings at about medium to medium/high. In World of Warcraft, I run my settings overall at about a 7, with shadow settings all the way down. With this, I get about 80-100 FPS idling, depending on what zone I'm in. However, once I enter combat in a battleground or a dungeon, it drops to about 30-40 FPS. While running, I use MSI Afterburner to set my fans to about 50% (sometimes a little more, because it gets hot as balls where I live, but usually no more than 60%), temperatures usually not going beyond 68c. I also use CPUID HWMonitor to track temperatures.

Of course, as I increase the graphic settings, the FPS drops.

Also, when idling, CPUID has clocked my GPU temperatures at 65c. Is this safe? My fans run at 25% when idling. Should I increase this? Won't it burn out my fans?

I've updated all drivers. Windows is up to date. I spray dust my computer out at least once a week. (We are currently in an apartment with carpet, sadly, but that's changing in a little over a month.) I experience similar issues when playing games through Steam, such as Rocket League or Saints Row 4. We have also replaced the thermal paste twice now. All fans are throughout the computer are functioning.

While my fiance' and I did build this computer ourselves, there are still some things I'm unsure about that may be hindering the performance. However, I'm not knowledgeable enough on hardware to know for sure if that is the case and what part it would be, if that is the case. And if it's not, what it could be. Am I expecting too much from my GPU or should I be getting more?

I'd also like to note that I do stream using Streamlabs OBS or XSplit, but I won't be doing that again until we move in about a month or so. Also, I'm not concerned with the computer being "loud". I don't find the sounds disruptive at all. I just want to know if there is more I could be getting out of what I have, if I'm missing something, or what.

Here's my specs:

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Intel Core i5-6600K 6M Skylake Quad-Core 3.5 GHz LGA 1151 91W
G.SKILL Ripjaws 4 Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3000 (PC4 24000)
Corsair CX-M Series 750W
NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan X

If further information is needed, please let me know. Thank you!
Most likely the CPU. Check per-core usage and you will see 80-100% usage on one core while playing.
And if your GPU is getting that hot I assure you, your CPU is hot as well.

Had the same problem with my 6700k even @4.7GHz.

Absolutely anything else running in the background will slow it down. Discord took about 7-10fps away from WoW, unless I set the affinity for Discord (3 different instances in sys. man.) to NOT use the main core WoW was using.

Haven't had to do that with my 8700k yet, it does a fantastic job of splitting the workload around, having 2c/4t more than the 6700k and all at a speedy 4.3GHz.

If you do any kind of multi-tasking you're going to need a faster CPU with more cores, or you're going to have to deal with the...

So, is there more I can do to improve my FPS while playing? Any suggestions for the idling temperatures? The idling temperatures were as low as 45c until the last Windows 10 and Nvidia update. 🙁
Check the GPU usage when it's at idle, if it's much higher than it should be (it should be 0%), then something is using it. This could range from something in the OS running a background program to a much more serious issue of malware having hijacked your PC and using it for cryptocurrency mining.

I checked and it was at 0%. Still idling at 65c. I closed out all programs (, Steam, Google Chrome, etc.) just to be sure, and still, nada. Is there something else I should check?

With the money spent on the Titan X, you probably could have dropped in an i7 processor and upped your ram to 32gb.

The Titan X was gifted to us and the rest was bought on a budget, but thank you for your very helpful and constructive response.

Most likely the CPU. Check per-core usage and you will see 80-100% usage on one core while playing.
And if your GPU is getting that hot I assure you, your CPU is hot as well.

Had the same problem with my 6700k even @4.7GHz.

Absolutely anything else running in the background will slow it down. Discord took about 7-10fps away from WoW, unless I set the affinity for Discord (3 different instances in sys. man.) to NOT use the main core WoW was using.

Haven't had to do that with my 8700k yet, it does a fantastic job of splitting the workload around, having 2c/4t more than the 6700k and all at a speedy 4.3GHz.

If you do any kind of multi-tasking you're going to need a faster CPU with more cores, or you're going to have to deal with the hit to performance.

Furthermore, your FPS should be going UP and GPU usage DOWN in dungeons, did you mean raids? If it goes down in raids and BGs that's definitely the CPU. It's a well known issue with WoW. It is poorly optimized and utilizes one core heavily and three others barely, with any other cores/threads being unused (except background usage and multi-tasking)

Further information:

Is this a Titan X Maxwell or Pascal, that's and important distinction as a Titan X Maxwell is roughly as fast as a 1070 whereas a Titan X Pascal is roughly as fast as a 1080 Ti. The Pascal is roughly 50% faster than the Maxwell

Also what resolution are you playing at?