GTX1060 OC vs GTX 1060 Gaming X

Get a 6GB version if you can afford it. The worst GTX 1060 6GB is better than the best 1060 3GB.

The ones you linked are both pretty much the same graphics card. If you get unhappy with performance in a couple years, they will both probably overclock to about the same speed too. It is worth considering the cooling solution for both. I'd say listen to Tesetilaro for that.

Lastly: What's the make and model of your PSU? "500W" can mean a lot of different things, depending on the manufacturer?

umm the links are working....

What he means is that both cards are only 3GB RAM and in terms of longevity it is a bit of a dead end. Sure you can lower textures in games for years to come, but ultimately a 6GB card is what you want if you have money for OC special edition 3GB version of the 1060.

The possibility of a GTX1050 TI is there but I'm looking for a GPU that can play most games that are not ULTRA demanding (tbh only few demanding games) and I mainly want a solid 1080p 60+fps on high to ultra.
We're also missing that a 3GB 1060 is NOT a 1060. It has shaders disabled compared to a full 1060 6GB. Most reviews of the 3GB version say to just spend more and get the 6GB. Or maybe save more money and get a 4GB RX480--that at least matches an 8GB RX480 at 1080p.

(I have a 4GB RX480 I got on a nice sale, so you're aware of my bias)