GTX1080strix low performance issue


Feb 20, 2017
Hi I have a problem as my Pc doesn't perform as it should especially gpu which is overkill.

My gtx1080 strix doesn't give me the performance that everyone gets like in games such as cs go I get around 200 fps on low settting and I should In fact have around 500.

Any other games I get very low fps same with h1z1 king of the kill on low I get around 80 and my friend with his gtx 970 gets 120+ which is an issue with sketching.

I blame one of the components on my pc or two to make this bottleneck problem.

My current system is :
Mobo: msi 970 gaming
CPU: amd 8150 8 core 4.2ghz
Psu: 500 or 550w
RAM: corsair vengeance pro 8gb 2400mhz

I read quite a bit and it's either Psu or cpu and it's a struggle to figure out which one and all my drivers etc are up to date even tried fresh drivers install.

If any one could assist me on what could it be that would be great.

Thanks Piotr
If the PSU were a problem you'd be getting crashes and drive errors - you'd know there was a hard problem with your devices not getting enough juice to function. It isn't like they run slow if they don't have enough juice. More like a car. It doesn't get enough gas and it sputters and stalls. Your GPU would do the same thing and it would be obvious.

That CPU is most likely the problem. It is about half as fast as you'd likely need to saturate your GTX 1080. Lets test it!

Get a monitoring program to monitor your CPU and GPU usages.
If in game you have a CPU usage of 100%, but a GPU usage of 50%. Then you know your GPU is being held back by the CPU.

Your GPU should be at 100% when gaming. If it isn't - something is holding it...
If the PSU were a problem you'd be getting crashes and drive errors - you'd know there was a hard problem with your devices not getting enough juice to function. It isn't like they run slow if they don't have enough juice. More like a car. It doesn't get enough gas and it sputters and stalls. Your GPU would do the same thing and it would be obvious.

That CPU is most likely the problem. It is about half as fast as you'd likely need to saturate your GTX 1080. Lets test it!

Get a monitoring program to monitor your CPU and GPU usages.
If in game you have a CPU usage of 100%, but a GPU usage of 50%. Then you know your GPU is being held back by the CPU.

Your GPU should be at 100% when gaming. If it isn't - something is holding it back.

Thanks for a response I'm thinking the same that's why I want to upgrade to i7 processor but have to get a new mobo with it as well.

I don't get crashes in game then that's a good sign 😛