GTX470 Temperature Problem (110C degrees)


Jul 14, 2013
I have a problem with my graphic card - GTX470. When I am not playing games everything seems to be OK. But when I start to play a game after few minutes my graphic card shuts down and I must restart my computer.

I monitored the GPU temperature and I found out that the temperature is 109C Degrees (before it shuts down)! So that's the reason why my card shuts down but I don't know what's the reason for that temperature.

I have this card 2+ years and everything was OK. Few months ago I changed my configuration - slightly better MB but from the same vendor, i5 processor (I had i3 before) and 16GB RAM (before I had 4GB).

After that I noticed something strange - all 12 green lights on the graphic card are constantly on. I read that they are about the voltage but I didn't make any changes . Also I didn't OC my system.

Moreover, I didn't change the case or the fans. But before I changed the configuration with the same power supply and case everything was OK.

CPU-z output for my sytem

Please help me to solve this problem.

Here is the output of MSI Afterburner output
This is on normal operation i.e. when I am not playing games. But 1500RPM I think is low value. I don't know if I am right.
Also I don't know why after I changed my configuration all on-board lights are on all the time (before that they were not like that, only when I was playing games more lights were on.)

Can you tell me if this is OK and if not how to increase the fan speed (only to slide the fan speed slider in this tool or how?)
Thanks in advance

Thank you Bruce really much for your quick answer! :)
The Max Fan speed % was set to 40 before . I clicked on the User define and green box around this stat appeared (as I read this is to modify the max fan speed according to the current demand). After that the speed is going to 50-60 % and when I play a game the temperature is around 80C (max 90C but when I play really demanding games) which I think is OK.
My graphic card didn't switched off not once during these 5+ hours :)
MSI Afterburner stats now

Also about the voltage. I didn't saw a voltage monitor in MSI but with SIW the voltage reported now is 0.88V (with 54C and 2070RPM / 54% fan speed). The minimum in 5+ hours is 0.88V (52C 1440RPM / 40% fan speed) and the maximum is 0.93V (91C 3120RPM 100% fan speed). Are these values normal? is 0.93V and 100% fan speed a bit higher than they should.

I am puzzled why all lights on the board are on all the time? Before I change my configuration with this same card mostly one or two lights were on and when I was playing games more off them were turning on. After I finished playing games they turned off and again 1-2 where on just as before. Do you know what can cause this?

Thank you for your answer in advance,

My card is Gigabyte GV-N470SO-13l
here is the manual but there is nothing interesting in the manual only the basic hardware/software installation etc. MANUAL

About the fan speed: Is this OK (MSI Afterburner set with auto and user define on about the max fan speed %). Because it change the max fan speed % all the time so I didn't have problem since. Or maybe it is better to set manual max fan speed % to 95%, for instance ?

I will be very thankful if you can see the manual or help me about the lights problem (or I don't know if it is a problem but it is certainly weird).

I re-flashed my GPU BIOS (using Gigabyte @BIOS very easy and everything was automatic). And now I recall that I didn't flashed my GPU BIOS after changing the configuration (including the board, same vendor but newer model).

About the fan speed: when I close MSI afterburner the max fan speed is again 40% but when I open MSI Afterburner the max is increased (and is changing all the time). So I can change to manual settings and increase the max fan speed or set MSI Afterburner to do the changes on start-up. So that problem is solved :)

About the lights: after I flashed the bios I thought that the problem will be solved, but I was wrong :/ . However I had OC Guru software version 1.6 and on Gigabyte site the version for download on my card was 1.3 so I uninstalled version 1.6 and installed 1.3 (which was also on my product cd when I bought the card) and - the problem with the lights magically disappeared :)

Thank you Bruce! Thank you really much!