GTX560 ti not detecting as a GPU


Sep 24, 2017
gpu is not getting detected
i don't know if it is the DVI port, the GPU or the PSU the problem
i tried changing settings and disabling iGPU but its still not working
+ also tried installing drivers, did not detect the GPU
i have a 550w PSU
+12v 42a on the rail
it has a mini HDMI port
should i go buy a mini HDMI cable to HDMI or just trash the GPU?

MB: ASUS H110M-A/M.2
PSU: Corsair VS550

ps: fans are spinning and the LED on the PCB is light up green "2 of them"

I have enough amps on the rail.
I plugged in another graphics card and it works, tho its a Low Profile card, so i would not get gaming out of it.
I cleared CMOS and tried different stuff like he did, booting in legacy mode and shit like that
Do u wanna know something even crazier?

I ran 560Ti on a 350w PSU
A MSI Nightblade PSU....
How come this not work on mine? I have enough power to run this on my system
I am starting to have a thought of breaking this GPU in the middle soon

Well i think it might be the PSU after all.
I am gonna return the PSU and buy a better one at bronze certified
Because i've heard about VS550 is pretty bad and a entry-level PSU