GreyMachine :
If you are not gaming and you want 4+ monitors there are cheaper solutions than the gtx 590...
Many of the 6 series radeon cards (6870, 6950, 6970) can support up to 4 monitors on one card (2 monitors on the two DPs, will require active adapters if you dont have display port monitors).
Or something like the eyefinity 6 5870 cards can output to 6 monitors.
Grabbing two lower end nvidia cards should also let you get to at-least 3 monitors.
Really no need for the gtx 590...
Here's the deal... I just want a "crap card" to be able to see a screen so I can install my OS and get my raid setup, and install my software... All your suggestions are beautiful if I was gonna keep the card in the machine! I'm not, finito, it's over, a non-discussion...
I'm getting an EVGA GeForce GT 430, and when its done it's job, and I get my GTX590, it will be put aside for the HTPC I'm going to build... Not looking for gaming solutions or cards... The 590 is a one stop solution for all my needs, powerful, multimonitor possibility's, and it's not an ATI (most important of all), they run hot and they run loud, remember the DAW part=silence...The GTX590 would never have to kick into overdrive, ergo would never be heard... and my silent air cooled solution would go on being just that, silent...
So I finally got this thread back on track...down grading the GTX590 not getting it's replacement...