Gtx650 vs amd 7770

Anamitra das

May 25, 2014
So I wanna buy a graphics card for my brother.. He plays assassin's creed a lot... On his intel on board graphics memory.. So I came across with 2 graphics card one is sapphire 7770 and the other is zotac gtx650 synergy edition.. Gtx650 has warranty left... 7770 doesn't.. And 7770 is cheaper... Which one to buy? It's used.


This is a 6pin connector.

you can also use a molex to PCIE connector since the card doesnt take up too much more power than the PCIE slot provides (if you do not have a PCIE connector on your PSU).
Gtx650 actually competes with 7750. But both card probably will be too weak for ACU. Tried my older 460 with ACU on a whim and i got 13fps with 1600x900 res. The setting probably mix between high and medium. Performance wise 7770 competes directly with GTX460
7770 with 460? In what universe.

A 5850 competes with a 460.
A 6850 is faster than a 5850.
A 6870 is faster than a 6850.
A 7770 is faster than a 6870.

A 7770 wrecks a 460, LMAO.

A 460 is woefully underpowered for ACU, even min settings at 800x600.

A 7770 should perform much much better than a 650. There is not even a point in comparing the two.

You seriously sent me launch reviews from 3 years ago? Have you heard of GPU drivers? AMD brought massive improvements in drivers in 3 year's time, especially to their GCN line, which include the HD 7770 and 7750.

Find me recent benchmarks with HD 7770 and GTX 460 then we'll talk. And actually, that's not even hard for the AMD GPUs. Look for recent benchmarks which also include R7 250X into their results for 7770 performance.

And give me, what? Underclocked GTX 650 for the equivalent of GTX 460 performance? LMAO.
Uh so yeah... anyways. To summarize HD 7770 is slightly better\close to the 650 but the HD 7770 is cheaper (for OP). Both still not really great cards for ACU... but OP never said he was playing ACU :)

very true. i think this is the best review comparing 250X (7770 rebrand) and GT740 (GTX650 rebrand):

then show me recent benchmark where 7770 exceed GTX460 performance significantly.