GTX660 SLI in Assassin's Creed Black Flag


Jan 18, 2015
Hi! I just installed a second GTX660 in my computer. When I turned on the computer it said that it's SLI capable so I activated it. The menu in the Nvidia Control Panel looks like this:


After playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag, i opened MSI Afterburner and I've noticed that GPU1 has been at around 100% load during the game and GPU2 was at 1% load. Why GPU2 is never used? Does it matter in which graphics cars I plugged the HDMI connctor to the display or which card is on top of which?
since you have MSI afterburner enable OSD in game. enable after burner setting (monitoring tab) enable GPU1 and GPU2 usage monitoring in OSD. then run the game and see the gpu while in game. make sure SLI enabled for the game as well on control panel