GTX680 Upgrade to GTX1060 - right decision?


Feb 11, 2017

I recently bought the MSI GTX 1060 Gaming X 6GB after my old GTX 680 died on me and now i'm wondering if I've made the right choice? To be honest, I was expecting a bigger increase in FPS with higher visuals but i'm really not seeing much of an increase. I paid £285 for the 1060, but last night I found an MSI GTX 1070 Gaming for £375. In my situation, would you return the the 1060 and get the 1070? I only bought the 1060 from Amazon a week and a half ago so returning shouldn't be a problem?

My other specs are:

i7 3770K @ 3.9 ghz
16gb of Corsair Vengeance 1600MHZ
950W power unit

Under heavy load, the CPU is running at around 50% CPU utilization and around 40-50c.

Thanks in advance
Yes i would return, because im performance/price guy, and 1060 6gb is not worth it. You had to go for rx 480 4gb or 1060 3 gb. Specially msi gtx 1070 gaming is a GREAT card for this price. Make sure u overclock your cpu!