GTX760 in PCI-E 3 slot, but using PCI-E 2?


Oct 29, 2013
I just purchased a EVGA GTX 760 SC and have installed it into the PCI-E 3.0 x16 slot, yet it says it's using PCI-e gen 2? Is there something in the BIOS i have to change or what? Could i please get some insight into this issue?

The rest of my specs are as follows:
Soundcard: Soundblaster Z
Fans: 4 120mm fans, and one stock CPU fan
CPU: I5 - 2400 Sandy Bridge
Ram: 2 4 gig DDR3
HDD: Seagate 1TB
SSD: 128 Samsung 840 PRO
So it turns out my motherboard box says it's pci-e 3.o ready, right on the box! but i looked at the fine print and it says *requires 22nm processor for full performance. The really strange part is, how can it be pci-e 3 ready, if there is only pci-e 2 slots on the mobo? When i read the back there is no pci-e 3 expansion slot. How can they market this as pci -e 3.0 ready when there is no pci-e 3.0 slot?

I feel like i was lied too, lol. i guess that's why you have to look into things in detail before you purchase them.
The chipset on the motherboard is compatible with the pci-e 3 standard however requires a compatible processor to take advantage of it. It will run in compatibility mode at the pci-e 2 standard unless it is paired with a ivy bridge processor.

well, kinda, but not much, it has 6008gHZ or something and pcie-2 only lets it use 5000, but i hear thats not much of a difference