Gtx970 vs 1050Ti using a i5-2400 @ 3.1Ghz quad core


Feb 23, 2015
I already have a 970 with a i5-2400. I am wondering if i will notice a performance decrease in gaming if i downgrade to a 1050Ti (My friend is offering me a straight swap for a brand new 1050Ti). I am thinking my CPU is bottle-necking my 970 anyway so in theory it wont be much of a difference.
I want to put the 1050ti in a lenovo m91p sff case. the PSU is 250w and has no 6pin ots. Also the pcie slot is half height.

I want to put the 1050ti in a lenovo m91p sff case. the PSU is 250w and has no 6pin ots. Also the pcie slot is half height.

I mainly play Fifa 17 gtav and abzu @1080p. I dont mind knocking settings down to medium but need my 60fps.