GTX980 or i5-4570 to upgrade first?


Jul 17, 2013
My current system is starting to struggle with some games like Battlefield 1 for example, where I get some fps dips under 30 fps and cutscenes get laggy. What should I upgrade first, my CPU i5-4570 or my GTX980.

I am looking at getting either i7 6700k or GTX 1070, but at that point I can afford only one of those, since with the CPU I have to get a new mobo, ram etc.

My CPU usage hits 100% when playing BF1. What is the bigger problem right now? Is not the 4570 going to bottleneck the 1070?
GTX 980 Should be enough for BF1. Since its about as good as GTX 1060. It might not have the newest drivers available this is why it might run badly. But, the i5 4570... That's the thing you wanna upgrade. GTX 980 should be enough for 1-3 years depending on the power demand of the newest titles. My friend has had an EVGA GTX 980 SuperClocked since it released now, and hes still playing on max graphics 1080p60+. That card is also hell of an overclocker. You should try to OC it a bit after you upgrade your CPU. Take note, GTX 980 might bottleneck the 6700K. I am not sure, but it might. But the i7 4790K should be plenty enough, too, if you dont wanna change socket from LGA 1150 to 1151.

This happens when everything is put on Ultra, mainly on the big open spaces. I have no explanation why the cutscenes lag, or come to complete halt sometimes.
RAM is 8GB DDR3 1600 Mhz. The GPU driver is being updated regularly.


Why are you trying to play on ultra graphics in BF1 with anything under a GTX 980 Ti + Overclocked i5-4690K? 😀

Hence why I am trying to figure out what to upgrade first. 😀