GuildWars2 Frame rate about 10 after windows 8 install


Jan 9, 2014
Hi everyone,
I am hopeing someone can help me, I was playing GW2 on win7 for a long time (1.5y), and i decided to upgrade to win8. Previous experience is that GW2 runs wih constant 35+ fps on almost max settings but since the update i have ~10 fps on minimum settings (changing them does not make a lot of difference).

I have
CPU: i7 3770k @3.9GHz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 6700
Motherboard: Z68A-G43 (G3)

- have tried with beta and latest GPU drivers,
- checked for parked CPU cores - none
- set power saving to best performance

I am running out of things to try and I have no idea what to do next. I am certain that I can get performance back just not sure what else to try.

I used Catalyst control center to check GPU usage and previously it was quite high, now it goes to 30% its most i have seen. Not sure what else to try.

Please help if you have any ideas.

Thank you
Hi, thanks for the response.
Yes i have windows 8 Pro x64 and i installed it on a separate partition not in program files, i have D:\Games\GW2 folder where i put it. And i first thought it might be that i used my old version of game (remained from win7) but then I installed it all over and nothing changed 🙁

ONLY if you have it installed in (x86) will it force many applications to run at 32 bit, its true.
Because he has it in the Folder Games its completly fine.

So yeah im kind of clueless at the moment as well, have you tried settings in GW2 for graphics? you can set it to use a diffrent Direct-X.

I only have DirectX11, and yeah i tried all the options GW2 ingame menu offers, nothing else exists for GW2...
Its just too strange - win8.1 update has not yet come up for me, waiting for it to pop, thats my next hope that will help. After that i might try to return to win7 but that would be loosing the battle which i dont like to do ...

could you try that link? if its dutch then go to the windows store and search for the update. It will not pop out on itself as far as im concerned.

This is really stupid...i google in english and can ONLY get to the dutch version of the manual!.

Else type in google this: how to update windows 8 to 8.1

Should pop up with instructions.
will try that as well once im home from work. I already tried that but support said i should wait in store to get the update... there are apparently some updates that should come before that one... and with win its always a gamble when that will occur.

Thx though :)

So how did it work out?
Sorry it took the weekend to perform all i needed to.
Well i installed Win8 as you know. It was horrid.
I spent two days re-intalling win8, trying to get update to 8.1
To make story short i did install 8.1 by using completely clean 8.1 installation without any chanse to use upgrade with win8 key (8.1 if not upgraded from 8 requires a separate product activation key which luckily i do have)

There is obviously an upgrade problem on MS side. And there are bunch of people that were just unable to upgrade it and MS has never answered anything on topics in their forums. (they did suggest clean install of win8 which i tried like so many people 3-4 times and it did not work)

So as soon as i installed 8.1 the game worked like charm. Even better then on Win7. I was amazed. I rarely go under 40+ FPS. about 35 in LA and WVW with a huge zerg.

This is just a clean sign that win8 suckes imho for games.. it seems they did something good with 8.1 though.

Thanks DragonChase for your support it really did ment a lot.

Anytime there friend, i was curious myself as well because i am also considering to go to 8.1, not so much for games but for developing purposes. Although i rarely play games i did plan to play some GW2 as i have payed 150 euros for the collectors edition and have only played 2 hours sinds release. Good to know it runs better on 8.1 thanky ou for the solution pick and the information relevant to me as well.

Goodluck out there.