My Ping is at 500-2000 NO JOKE ITS TERRIBLE i have Comcast and there arris modem plug directly into my desktop and i have a WiFi adapter on my PC to which is connected both at the same time and i cant play games!!! i have like 1000-3000 ping and i don't know how to fix it. (my explanation1) My PC is being bad so i should format it. (2) When they installed my internet it was in my living room and i was in a bedroom with wireless getting 10-50 ping but then my pc went haywire and broke (motherboard and 2 ram sticks gave out) then when i got it back the wireless was at the high ping so i brought the modem etc in my room plugged it in to my cable source and it is still very bad ping, my modem is 2 feet away and i tried all the things to fix it, should i format my pc will it help? it may be files or should i call IPS? what do i do? AND ITS NOT THE GAME I PLAY (counter strike Garry's mod Dayz arma2 dayz standalone but my tablet and phone are fast internet and so is my download speed