guys is this Enermax Liqmax 120S Twister Pressure good enough for overclocking?

Danny Nieuwenhuis

Aug 23, 2014
guys is this Enermax Liqmax 120S Twister Pressure good enough for overclocking?
or is ther a beter 1 for my socket 775 my budget is around 80 dollar
i need fast help becaurse my zalman cooler is like halve why exploding
my temps are now on 40 idle 50 normale and loadded i dont know plz help me
my processor is a Q6600 i need first a good cooler than i gona buy the QX9550
so is the Enermax Liqmax 120S Twister Pressure good enough for overclocking my
2,4 ghz porseccor to 3,6 plz help me ? and keep it cool and mybe my new QX9550
yes definitely, what thermal paste does is that it makes full contact with the CPU cooler, if you dont have thermal paste your CPU heat spreader will not have full contact with the cpu cooler.

Danny Nieuwenhuis

Aug 23, 2014
i gona buy it but i know alot of overclocking ( cpu and GPu ) but i know nothing about coolers so i need to know
or it can drop down my tamps fast its now like 40 idle and 50-60 normale and loaded i dont know becaurse my cooler
is like destroyd bij overclocking so do you think my temps are gona be alot lower if i have my Q6600 on stock ?