h100i pluged into cpu fan 1 question


Apr 26, 2014
i dont have corsair link yet. (its been installing microsoft.net framework 3.5 sp1 for like an hour i think the downloads broke)

anyway without that software and the h100i using the 2 fan to one plug splitter suplied with the cooler pluged into cpu fan 1 header does the mobo have full controll over both of those fans or are they just running at one speed all the time.
You have to run 2 fans and a pump. Read the manual how to connect them to your mobo. Read your mobo manual to know what fan headers are available.

My understanding is that the pump goes on the cpu fan header. Then the fans on ? - a 'case' fan header I suppose. Can also depend on what other fans you've got and the case and if you've got a fan controller. You can then control them with your UEFI.

To do it properly, you need to have all the Corsair bits -
See http://www.corsair.com/en/blog/2013/february/how-to-install-the-hydro-series-h100i-cpu-cooler which says " The H100i has an integrated 4-fan hub which is where you will want to plug in your H100i fans. You will find two ports on top of the cooling unit, where you can plug in the...
You have to run 2 fans and a pump. Read the manual how to connect them to your mobo. Read your mobo manual to know what fan headers are available.

My understanding is that the pump goes on the cpu fan header. Then the fans on ? - a 'case' fan header I suppose. Can also depend on what other fans you've got and the case and if you've got a fan controller. You can then control them with your UEFI.

To do it properly, you need to have all the Corsair bits -
See http://www.corsair.com/en/blog/2013/february/how-to-install-the-hydro-series-h100i-cpu-cooler which says " The H100i has an integrated 4-fan hub which is where you will want to plug in your H100i fans. You will find two ports on top of the cooling unit, where you can plug in the included fan power adapter cables. Each adapter will support two fans, and by plugging the fans directly into the fan power adapter cable and into the cooling unit, you will be able to monitor and control the H100i fans through the Corsair Link V2 software."
The two fans connect to the H100i block, which then connects to the motherboard through a USB header and 3 pin fan plug. Once that is connected the fans will run at identical speeds, until you download corsairs software then you can change the fan speeds independently.
This is truly not always the case. I have just built a new machine using the h100i. This case is a 600t Graphite Corsair (tight fit for it being a corsair case and cooler, the atx power connector needs a bit of finesse) and upon completion of the build I have noticed (doing exactly what the manual says) that prior to installing the OS, the fans work independently except on boot. I am unsure at this time if this is just because the CPU is not under load and the software for the h100i is not installed or configured. I will know more tomorrow. At this point, the machine boots, fans go full speed and then one turns off, then the other one turns on, turning the first one off and vice-versa. I watch this in the bios (temps) for 10 minutes but never got about 35c, basically it say at 34.5 and then flickering to 35c. Even with the fans doing what they were. I will install the OS tomorrow, do all update, tweak and then install the cooler software and see what happens. I will post back if I find anything new. I do believe that once the system is configured that you can remove the USB connector and the cooler will stay as it was set forever. This is a plus since cases like the 600t have 2 USB 2 headers inside and if you are using one for the cooler then the top of the case will only have two functional usb 2 ports temporarily.

Post back when I know more. About 24 hours.

Kind regards,