h100i v2 Displaying red warning LED


Jun 9, 2015
I've had my computer build for a few months now. Haven't had any problems. But today I noticed that the corsair logo led turned red which never happened before. I went into Corsair Link and clicked on LED and my color is set to white but also saw that there is a warning option that makes the LED red when the temp is above 45 degrees. When I play games, never has the LED turned red. My idle temp is around 38 to 40 degrees (i7 7700k). What's happened here? Should I be worried or should I just uncheck the warning LED

There are a LOT of posts about the H100i throwing high temps at people.
A lot of it is tube management.

A step list I found was this:
Tips to try and isolate your problem:
1) Resit the cooler block to your motherboard. Reapply thermal compound.
2) Remove cooler entirely, move it around slightly, you'll hear the water moving around. Refit and listen for trickle(Usually the sound the cooler makes the first time you plug it in...
I wouldn't worry about the temps unless it was like 70C.
It could be a bunch of things like your motherboard reading the wrong temps, but I would set the temp to be higher than 45 C. 45 C is pretty low for it to think it's overheating.

Even tho I set the temp to 60, the red light is still there.

There are a LOT of posts about the H100i throwing high temps at people.
A lot of it is tube management.

A step list I found was this:
Tips to try and isolate your problem:
1) Resit the cooler block to your motherboard. Reapply thermal compound.
2) Remove cooler entirely, move it around slightly, you'll hear the water moving around. Refit and listen for trickle(Usually the sound the cooler makes the first time you plug it in after purchase). Monitor temps.
3)If temps drop after removing, reboot your system, if temps rise take note of trickle sounds if there. Mine stopped after reboot.
4) Keep an eye on temperatures, when loading a stress test, my temps rose from idle 40c to 60-70-90 within the first 25-40 seconds of the stress test. (Fan RPM Made no difference).
5) On idle, turn your pump to QUIET mode you will hear the trickle sound stop. You will also see your temperatures suddenly spike to around 40c@performance to 45-50@QUIET.

Also read that the cosair link thing you're referring to is "awful" from another forum and shouldn't be what you really look at. Try looking at other monitors and see if you're even getting the right temps.

But by reading other posts and forums and what not it seems that your temps are fine.
