So i just bought a Corsair H80i GT liquid cooler. i was really anticipating the low temps that usually come with water cooling. Unfortunately, i was surprised to see my A10-7870k APU Idling at 40 C in the BIOS and around 60 C in normal operations. this isnt even under load! Its actually throttled back 100MhZ from the stock 3.9MhZ! I frequently am hitting 70 C with both fans at 100%. i reseated the water block and re-applied thermal paste. Still the same temps. My little TX3 air cooler was getting these sorts of temps. is it because of the ambient air? or just bad application skills on my part? I have also heard of many people with this cooler having loose backplate issues and when they put a washer in between the backplate and the motherboard, temps shot down. Could this be the reason? Anything will help.
Corsair Link Temps-
Hardware Info Temps-
Those 2 software temp indicators both took those samples while the computer was idled, not steaming, not gaming.
Corsair Link Temps-
Hardware Info Temps-
Those 2 software temp indicators both took those samples while the computer was idled, not steaming, not gaming.