h80i stopped working


Nov 3, 2013
so someone told my to turn the fans round on my h80i cos they where on the back vent but pushing air into the case so i turned them round and now when i start up my pc only one fan works so i turned them round and the other fans started working so im guessing its a problem with the power one of the power connections but i have no idea what to do now plus it wont show up in link software anymore and the fan that is powered is making a god awful sound thts rlly starting to annoy me
... and is there a question in there somewhere or are you just venting because you took advice from random strangers on the Internet, bollocksed something up and now you're in a worse state than you were before? You have my sympathy. I hope you come away from this a little wiser, if nothing else.

As someone wiser than me said - we learn from our mistakes.