Had enough of my r9 280, should contact warranty?


Apr 22, 2011
So 10 minutes ago I went to shower and set my computer to 'switch user' so no one would mess with my computer. As soon as I came back I saw plain background with strips of lines stretched vertically on my screen. The colors resembled the background that you see while in the windows login (where you put your password/ or choose a user to log in).
I just don't understand, are those artifacts, video card generally failing, or just an incident?
I remember the second week I got my video card I saw a glitch in battlefield 4 with some lighting, so I ran furmark for 30 minutes and saw no abnormals. I also lately ran unigine valley for over 15 minutes just roaming the surroundings and also did not notice any phenomenons.
Although video games run fine on my computer, without any artifacts or abnormals.
Is there any program that could give me 100% result on whether or not my video card is faulty?
I've built this computer about two months ago so warranty isn't an issue, but a pain in the ass.

Spec in signature, please help guys, I'm so paranoid.
Does it crash constantly in games? are the temps going over 95c all the time? is there stuttering in games? artifacting? (Not just one incident where it may or may not have been artifacting) does it crash in benchmarks? have you overclocked it?

1 or 2 anomalies over 2 months hardly warrants any concern, technology like everything else, isn't perfect. Your card is fine.

It never once has crashed in games, doesn't matter what the scenario was. It never crashed in any benchmark (I ran furmark, valley unigine) and never overclocked it.

Now, as for the artifacting (I'll go in order as it occured):
Battlefield 4: in one mission, one red lamp was glitched (as I assume) and every time it flickered, the light was buggy. Note, it had only happened at that lightning.
Far cry 4: Sometimes the there would appear fainted black color half on my screen for a split second, depends on where I am. Note: when I turned off AA the problem was solved.
League of legends: I would get this constant input lag where some frames went missing, and rarely artifacts (upper half of screen blink white/green, when closing the item shop there would be lines stretched vertically). Note: this had only happened once and the problem was solved by putting all the settings to max, although I do still get input lag but once every like 5 minutes or 7.
Dota 2: Just generally started stuttering and working like shit, I uninstalled it.

These are the only times in gaming that there would be an artifacts (trust me, I'm paranoid enough to notice ANY unusual occurrence).

The highest temp on my video card ever recorded was when I ran furmark for 30 minutes, and it went up to 69c.
My CPU highest (stock) 65c
currently (CM hyper tx3) 53c (the highest ever)

Both BF4 and FC4 are downloaded via torrent, so I don't get top of the line patches and optimization.

Now you must feel really proud. :ptdr:
You're not remotely even coming to assisting me with the games, they're just the variable; my graphics card is the solution (hopefully). You've just failed to see the "big picture", or at least the point of my situation.. Shit, you don't even deserve that "best solution" title.
Did you overclock it at all? There is a known issue with overclocking (even slightly) and dual monitor setups.

ed: i just seen you said you didn't. IDK man i get that thing with the lines on the screen when I overclock the memory even just a tiny bit. As far as I am aware it is something to do with the drivers, I cannot say for sure though as I never looked too deeply into it.
I am currently running 14.12 AMD Omega catalyst software. I have never installed any overclocking softwares because I never had a reason to use them on the first place. My card comes with a clock and mhz boost if I'm not mistaken, although that boots engages only during gaming because my card has its clocks downclocked when using 2D applications (saves energy and runs cooler; I like it!).

The more and more I look into this problem, the more I realize that it's just the way this card is. Just like Robertwhyte had said, that technology isn't perfect.
I have never had real crashes or abnormals on games or benchmarks/ stress testors besides the ones I've mentioned above. My warranty is still young and set for years to come, so I think that if my card is in fact faulty and would show up as one later down the road, I'd still have time to contact for warranty.

If there are no solutions available by you guys, then feel free to just let it go. If (tfu tfu tfu) experience anything similar, I'll be sure to come here again.