Haegemonia - Vista Problem


Jul 24, 2010
I've been googling around for some time already but I've never found any solution for this problem: Any time I play Haegemonia on Vista (and apparently it happens on Seven as well) after 30-ish minutes the game crashes with "Sound System Error" message. That's it. It appears to be a common problem but so far I was unable to find any solution...so I beg for help here, heh.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that it's most likely not system related. Pure Vista/Seven problem.

But for sake of not further acting like a retard, here:

AMD Turion X2 (the 2200 Ultra ZM82 version)
Radeon HD 3650 / HD 3200 (no idea which one is active since my GPU drivers are messed up)
4096/800 DDR2
Realtek HD Audio (I think...)

Anyway, it's a laptop, Asus M51TA-AS028C.
I wouldn't post here if I didn't do basic stuff before. Reinstalling the game, newest drivers, trying it on another PC... As I said, it's not related to PC in any way...most likely.
Yeah, people have asked, nobody got any solution though. Even GoG who are supposed to give the games today-ready don't have a solution for this, as far as I know. But eh, you never know when you run into someone who actually have figured that out ^.^ I guess I'll give it a try as well, thanks.
hi im not sure if i have discoverd the SOLUTION TO THE SOUND ERROR of Haegemonia The Solon Heritage

while testing some files in sound folder of haegemonia TSH i have found ERROR WAVE FILES

here it is...

directory ....Haegemonia/Haegemonia - The Solon Heritage/Sound/Screens


1.rename the error files to Szovegkiiras-02loop.wave_error and Szovegkiiras-03loop.wave_error
(its for retrival thing if my experiment will not work...)

2.make two copy the Szovegkiiras-01loop.wave and rename it.

3.the files will look something like this...

Szovegkiiras-01loop.wave (original)
Szovegkiiras-02loop.wave (copy1 rename from Szovegkiiras-01loop.wave)
Szovegkiiras-03loop.wave (copy2 rename from Szovegkiiras-01loop.wave)
Szovegkiiras-04loop.wave (original)
Szovegkiiras-02loop_error.wave (original renamed)
Szovegkiiras-03loop_error.wave (original renamed)

it has worked for me....^_^ but i need a better RTS

oops i spoke too soon after playing 6 hours the game sound system error appear again... grrrr
Sounds good. What differences does that make ingame? Except for not crashing, of course. And what did you test the files with? Neither Winamp nor VLC has noticed any errors.