Half Life crashes in win2k


Apr 22, 2001
Alright. Here's the deal, have a GF2 GTS, p3 600. In 98 everything ran stable. 2k runs nice for like 15 mins then for no apparent reason locks up my system while playing counterstrike. Any of you got an idea why or how to fix it? Thanks
Um only thing i can think of , asi play that all the time and had locks a couple of times before is ,check ur irqs
thats the only time my locked. once i switched the computer to standard computer those locks went away
Do u have an anti-virus program installed, try disabling your Real-time file system checking.

It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick!
I also have a GTS (Creative) on a P3V4X and have found that for me anyway, the 522 drivers are excellent no problems of any kind. Also if you have not already done so open your X:\Sierra\half-life directory Rename your opengl32.dll to opengl32.000 or xxx ect, then copy your opengl32.dll from your system32 directory and place it in your X:\Sierra\half-life directory. Do the same with SOF if you have that game as well also UT unfortunately should be run in D3D on a GTS. Personally I have no problems using Opengl in W2K it runs flawlessly as a matter of fact IMHO I prefer it to Win98.