Maybe I'm just being cynical here, but it's way too hard for me to get excited about another ARM-based phone.
I don't really care if it's the fastest, because I don't care if I get 30 FPS playing angry birds, or if I get 300.
Unless the phone actually adds more real capabilities, like USB ports (and can act as a proper USB host), or some other real features, it's still just a phone, or at best, an internet appliance.
I know I don't speak for everyone. I just want a phone that can, when I need it to, act like a real laptop.
I'd love to be able to plug into a projector and use it for a presentation; I'd love to be able to run a proper version of SQL server or IIS or Apache. I'd really love to be able to play Diablo (2) or such.
I've been an Android fan for a few years now, but I just can't muster any enthusiasm for another phone that's arbitrarily better at pointless things.
Phone makers; please make me an x86-based Windows or Linux phone, I know you can.