Hands On with Nokia's Windows Phone-flavored Android OS

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The main reason I can see for Nokia to release Android phones was to tap into the much larger ecosystem. They design great phones and could easily come up with good offerings. Without google play support, I fear these phones will be a lot less appealing.
MS wants smartphone/tablet market and releases metro-crap mobile. Sure design wise for phones its ok but its not up there with Android. MS fails yet again. Noone puts ms mobile OS on their devices ->
next plan. Advertise it as an Android by using it in the first place but try to popularize ms' own interface. MS is so simple to understand these days.
It's obviously a trojan. See it's Android but you see it looks just like Windows.They must be desperate for new people to try the new Windows Mobile / RT interface.
all i could see was fingerprints....thanks but no thanks...i will stick with my oleophobic iPhone 5S...best phone on earth
I believe the biggest reason for the fingerprints is that it is a display phone, my SII is a fingerprint magnet, the biggest problem with the Nokia is the proprietary OS and app store.
"Does that mean there's still a chance we'll see a full version of Android on high-end Nokia hardware at some point in the future?"


"Let's hope so, because this didn't quite meet our craving for Android on Nokia."

These aren't Android phones. These phones are the replacement for Asha, and they are based on ASOP because it was cheaper and/or easier than building a featurephone-plus OS from scratch. In basically every way that matters, these are not Android phones. They are Nokia phones.
"all i could see was fingerprints....thanks but no thanks...i will stick with my oleophobic iPhone 5S...best phone on earth"

Hashtag-first-world much? These phones are targeting prices that are 10%-20% that of an iPhone, and the overall value that they provide will be much greater.
"all i could see was fingerprints....thanks but no thanks...i will stick with my oleophobic iPhone 5S...best phone on earth"All I could see is someone comparing a 80€ phone with a 800€ one. The iPhone is definetly the best phone for you.
In other news, holy HELL is the commenting system on this site broken.

Edit: since the edit to my original post has finally shown up, I deleted that content from this post. Seriously, this is just embarrassing.
@Jane McEntegartDid you do any research before you wrote this article?, reading what you wrote and it seems you don't know Microsoft is buying the devices division off Nokia, why the hell would Nokia release a fully fledge android phone months if not weeks before Microsoft takes over their phone division.
"Nobody likes stock Android." You are wrong Nokia, we hate anything which is not stock Android and does not automatically update itself the moment Google releases a new OS.
To all those that were retching and moaning about not having a Nokia Android phone, there it is,now buy it and "save" the company. If you don't like the flavor of Android thats on it, change it like so many of you swore you were going to do if they made one you didn't like.
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