Hang up/ freeze lately


Feb 22, 2017
I was on my pc last night and it was perfectly fine but today I came on, booted up fine and got on for maybe 20 minutes, Youtube slowed down and went to 240p, Then all my internet went off ... Followed by my pc starting to hang up, got slower and slower till the desktop completely died, ctrl+Alt+Del did nothing, screen wouldn't show up
It has done that a total of 3 times now in the last hour and i'm rushing about before it happens again on forums and other websites and I couldn't find anything that worked even tried doing step by steps on other questions posted here.
This actually sounds like your Hard Drive dying. The fact that your internet was going slow would indicate that your Hard Drive is probably having trouble reading and writing when it slowly dies down and stops spinning altogether. I would try your best to backup as much as you can on that drive before it completely dies, this is just an assumption but better safe than sorry.

If you have another drive laying around, try and replace your drive and see if the issue remains.
If the CPU fan has died on a PC, it usually will slow down and eventually crash out. The hotter the CPU gets, the slower the system runs until a crash. If you continue to run the PC without a system fan running, it can permanently break the CPU. I'm not saying this your problem, but it's something you might want to check into. However, a dead fan probably wouldn't explain the slow internet.

So it just happened again, I was on youtube and playing a little idle game when the video stopped, the page then died and the game disconnected, Opera crashed, game crashed, explorer crashed and the system hung up in that order. Rhino i did what you asked and i tried pressing num lock to see if it came on and yes it did - My system temps where all fine as im a bit of a freak about them and i'm always checking ... But this time when i restarted the pc it took a few seconds then asked me to insert my boot device and press enter, had to hard shut down to get rid of it. Also it'as not the CPU fan as I can see/hear it still going :)
OK, so if Numlock switched modes, then it's not a hardware issue with your processor or motherboard. You have some sort of Software glitch going on. And seeing as it's very intermittent, it's going to be a real ah heck to narrow down. Have you run HD diagnostics, and Memtestx86 to rule those 2 items out?

Never heard of them but i'll download them and get them running soon as I can :)
This actually sounds like your Hard Drive dying. The fact that your internet was going slow would indicate that your Hard Drive is probably having trouble reading and writing when it slowly dies down and stops spinning altogether. I would try your best to backup as much as you can on that drive before it completely dies, this is just an assumption but better safe than sorry.

If you have another drive laying around, try and replace your drive and see if the issue remains.

Well ... Just so happens, 15 minutes after I replies to Rhino my HDD utterly shit itself and died. So i suppose this is resolved but not in the way i'd of liked 😛


Very sorry to hear that Kelyaan. Hope you have some of it backup somewhere else.