Hangs at "Loading Operating System" black screen


Sep 28, 2014
Hi, i have suddenly got this error when loading windows 7 just when the cumputer starts and the hard disks have been verified CORRECTLY on startup, on the next screen. (i only have one OS installed)

i have seen that others have had a similar situation but none of the solutions have actually solved the issue, i have tried a different hd, changing to where its plugged on the mobo to a different sata_1 for example and also tampered with the bios settings... F8 doesnt work either.

The only solution i hve come across is by using the hirens CD and under the option load

"Boot From Hard Drive (Windows Vista/7/2008 or Xp)" i have been able to load windows 7.

Looking at the file the CD i can see its has these instructions

map () (hd0)
map (hd0) ()

When i select this option, windows starts correctly

Any ideas what might be happening and how can boot windows 7 without having to use a CD?

hi, thanks for the reply

Yes, in the passed, i tried it with differnt hd newly formated, its actaully an issue i came across when i installed windows 7 some time ago. At the time the solution i came across was installing windows xp and updating it. Now the error vairous years later appears.

The feeling i get is that for some reason windows 7 doesnt seem hook the boot secuency correctly on my pc
might be? this is the info i get when i load EasyBCD

There is one entry in the Windows bootloader.

Default: Windows 7
Timeout: 30 seconds
Boot Drive: C:\

Entry #1
Name: Windows 7
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe

Is this my actual booting config, or is it EasyBCD? in any case is anyting missing?
